Tuesday, October 26, 2004

A Vote For John Kerry

I voted for John Kerry last week. Ultimately, my decision mirrored the same one four years ago. I simply cold not pull the lever for George Bush. Here is why:

1) Voodoo Economics: Trickle down economics creates deficits that are not nearly offset by any alleged boost to the overall economy. George H. W. Bush pointed this out, but his son was not listening. Converting a record surplus to a record deficit in less than four years is hard to accomplish, even if you try hard.

2) Iraq: Candidate Bush said we have to stop nation building or we will have problems down the road. That road led directly into Iraq, and Bush drove us there at full steam, despite the clear and public opposition voiced by Daddy through his chief lieutenants. Add an incompetent execution of a poor plan, and our country is in a huge mess.

3) The Supremes: We got a reminder this week that although it has been ten years since there was a vacancy on the US Supreme Court, there are bound to be multiple spots opening soon. Bush's other judicial nominees make it clear that he would ensure the recent 5-4 decisions go the other way.

4) The Cabinet: Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, and John Ashcroft have reduced Colin Powell to the role of a diplomat with no credibility. Cheney and Rumsfeld have been inbreeding in Washington for 35 years, alternating between lining their pockets and eroding our standing in the world. John Ashcroft accused those who questions our foreign policy of aiding terrorists. Nice job helping Bush "be a uniter, not a divider."

5) Family Ranking: I do not think it is too much to ask that our president be better than the third best choice in his own family.

I am not thrilled with John Kerry as the primary alternative. However, I am sure that he cannot do as poor a job as Bush has over four years.


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